The liver is an organ only found in vertebrates which detoxifies various metabolites, synthesizes proteins and produces biochemicals necessary for digestion and growth in humans. It’s other roles in metabolism include the regulation of glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells and the production of hormones.
- Precursor – Foregut system – Digestive system
- Artery – Hepatic Artery Vein – Hepatic veins portal vein
- weight – 1.5kg. approx.

Working : & functions:
The liver is an accessory digestive organ that produce bile which stores in gallbladder which is situated just under the liver.
The liver is thought to be responsible for up to 500 separate functions usually in combination with other systems and organs.
- metabolism
- Protein synthesis
- Protein breakdown
- Blood reservoir
- Lymph production
- Storage:- It stores glycogen Vit A, Vit D, Vit B12, Vit K, iron and copper
- Produce Albumin
According to Ayurveda :
According to Ayurveda the liver called as Yakrit is very important organ in metabolic activities and also in ‘Pitta dosha’ activities and storage of energy and also immunity is also depends on the liver function. It is very big gland in our body.
- Hepatitis- A, B, C, D, E
- Fatty River
- Liver fibrosis
- Liver cirrhosis
- Liver Cancer
Symptoms occurred after change in function
2) अपचन: Indigestion
3) अॅसिडिटी: Acidity
4) मळमळ: Nausea
5) उल्टी होणे :- Vomiting
6) पोट साफ न होणे
7) पोट दुखठी : Abdominal pain
8) थकवा: fatigue
10) पायावर सूज : pedal edema
11) मुखदुर्गंधी
12) घाम जास्त येणे : over sweating
13) त्वचेची अॅलर्जी: skin Allergies
14) रंगबदल : त्वचा. डोळे, मूत्र colour change skin. eyes and urine
15) बी. पी. बदल : Hypo or Hypertension
16)मधुमेह: Diabetes melilotus
Ayurvedic Liver Treatment Available at Dr. Manoj Kocheta Liver Clinic
Dr. Manoj Kocheta liver clinic provides patients with chronic liver disease and all liver problem solution. The list of some Important liver condition.
- Hepatitis
- Liver Cancer
- Hemochromatosis
- Liver cirrhosis
- Gall stone
- Primary liver cirrhosis
- Pancreatic Diseases Ascities
- Liver failure disease
- Biliary diseases. Constipation
- metabolic disorder

Liver treatments:
If you have encountered with any severe problems to your liver you are at the right place. At our Ayurved Upchar Centre we have dealt with a number of cases where people are suffering from severe liver diseases like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Auto immune hepatitis, fatty liver, fibrose liver, Gallbladder stone, Pancreatic disorder, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer. An Ayurveda have a good solution disorder and very good cure rate in liver diseases.
We see one by one liver diseases and treatment

In our Ayuredic Upchar centre we have good treatments on Hepatitis.
Hepatitis is an umbrella term used for describing inflammation of liver.
Hepatitis is due to the viral inflammation of the liver.
Types of Hepatitis
1) Hepatitis A
2) Hepatitis B
3) Hepatitis C
4) Hepatitis D
5) Hepatitis E
Our Ayureda Panchkarma Centre have an very good solution on this hepatic condition with the help of Ayurvedic medicine and panchakarma like Virechan etc.

Treatment for fatty liver:
fatty liver is a form of disorder in which fat is accumulated in liver. It is a fact that some amount of fat is quite genuine inside the liver. But if this fat continuously accumulated and forms nearly 5% to 10% of the liver weight then it can generate severe complications within the body.
Following are the grade of fatly liver
Fatty liver is divided into three grades i.e. Grade I, Grade II & Grade Ill. With the help of ayurvedic medicines and ayurvedic panchakarma treatment we can treat the fatty liver.
Fibro scan is the one to type ed diagnostic tool which can use for the diagnosis of fatty liver.

Although cirrhosis implies irreversible damage to the liver, a person with liver cirrhosis have an early general symptoms such as tiredness, lethargy. yellowness of eyes and urine (mild jaundice), swollen feet excessive etching and anaemia.( low haemoglobin).
In more advanced stages the patient may have several life threating complications such as blood vomiting, bloated stomach due to water i.e. ascites which may develop serious infection mental deterioration and coma, deep jaundice and kidney impairment. It may develops portal hypertension and also needs an ligation treatment. We are having proven liver cirrhosis treatment from Ayurveda.

Our Sai Anand Ayurved Upchar Centre offers gentle and effective ayurvedic trealment for chronic liver disease Pune, Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, Nagpur and Kedgeon. We have special ayurvedic treatments for liver treatment which will give you the best results in a very short time with the help of medicine and Panchakarma therapies. You can feel the difference in your health conditions by the ayurvedic panchakarma treatments and medicines. You can improve your health gradually within 1 to 2 months. But with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus many people will go into a chronic phase that leads to chronic phase. With chronic HBV and HCV 30% of patients develops cirrhosis of the liver or hepatocellular carcinoma. so contact us as early as possible to cure your diseases.
Cancer is a disease which requires close observation and monitoring. In the world in which death occurs due to liver cancer the number of patients is 1/3rd of total number of death. It cannot be treated like any other alignment in the body. In modern science diagnosis is lengthy and costly. A comprehensive and multidimensional approach is the need of the hour. All therapies should be applied at a time on the patient to combat cancer. We can give better life and less painful life with the help of Ayurveda. Our centre is located in Pune, Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, Nagpur, Kedgaon.
We all knows that the liver damage occurs due to the consumption of alcohol. But there are several reasons due to damage the liver. Now we see the reasons of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Causes of non alcoholic disease:
1) Genetic Risk
2) Insulin Resistance
3) Poor diet
4) chronic infections & inflammations
5) Use of certain medications
6) Sedentary lifestyle
7 ) High Environmental toxin exposure
These are the reasons where fat accumulates in liver and liver cell can damage and can proceeds further in the fibrosis of liver and liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
The early symptoms of this is fatigue, tiredness, loss of appetite, disturbed abdomen, vomiting, nausea. changes in colour of urine and skin & allergies skin rashes jaundice etc.
In our Ayurvedic Upchar centre we have a best treatment for the above complaints with the help of ayurvedic medicine and panchakarma therapies. Our centre is located in Pune, Mumbai, Nashik, Thane Nagpur, Kedgaon.
Gall bladder is the one type of small bag behind the liver. Liver accumulates the bole in the gall bladder which is helpful for the metabolism. Gallstones are collections of solid material (predominantly crystals of cholesterol forms solid particles and accumulates.
– The liver can secrete too much cholesterol, which is carried with bile to the gall bladder where the excess cholesterol forms solid particles and accumulates.
– Gallstones sometimes causes upper abdominal pain that can last for hours.
– Ultrasonography is quite accurate in detecting gallstones.
– We have an best ayurvedic treatment in our ayurvedic Panchakarma centre which is located in Pune, Mumbai, Thane, Nagpur Nashik, Kedgaon
Due to certain liver conditions the metabolism of the body is go down and the gradually weight loss happens. There is certain symptom’s like loss of appetite, disturbed abdomen, fatigue etc. Due to this be digestion is lowers and weight gradually loss and the fatigue and the body immunity lowers.
We have best ayurvedic treatments for the loss of weight, and we can increase weight 100% with help of our Ayurvedic treatments
Ascites is the abnormal build-up of fluid in the abdomen. Technically it is more than 25 ml of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Symptoms may include increased abdominal size, increased weight, abdominal discomfort and shortness of breath.
In Ayurveda it is called as udar.
With the help of ayurvedic medicines we treat this patients in our upchar centres successfully in Pune Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, Nagpur, Kedgaon.
Portal Hypertension is hypertension (high blood pressure) in the hepatic portal system made up of the portal vein and its branches, that drain from most of the intestines to the liver. Portal hypertension is defined as a hepatic venous pressure gradient. Cirrhosis (chronic liver failure) is the most common cause of portal hypertension. Other less frequent causes are therefore grouped as non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. When it becomes severe enough to cause symptoms or complications treatment is given to decrease portal hypertension. Due to portal hypertension blood vomiting, black coloured stool or other symptoms are occurred.
In our Ayuravedic Upchar Centre we treat with the help of medicines the main cause of portal hypertension i.e. liver cirrhosis or the reasons. In Morden medicine mainly ligation therapy used. But our Ayurvedic Panchakarma Kendra we have best treatment for portal hypertension in Pune Mumbai, Nagpur Thane, Nashik, and Kedgaon.